Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving Recap

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Isn't it nice to have a day to spend with family and to be reminded of all our blessings.

I'm overwhelmed with my blessings this year: a wonderful husband, a great God, a fabulous family, a great job and a trip to Burma in less than two weeks!

This year, we spent our Thanksgiving with my husband's family in Siloam Springs, Ark.

It was a fun day of cooking, eating, napping and playing games.

Here are some of the culinary highlights:

We started the day off with some delicious cranberry, white chocolate chip scones baked by my whiz of a pastry chef sister-in-law Jessica. Here, Coraline the cat is checking out the scones, too.

Then, I made a chocolate pecan pie (recipe card below) and Jessica made an apple pie for dessert! I just can't have Thanksgiving without a chocolate pecan pie. It's a combination of some amazing flavors and it's kind of like eating a nutty brownie in a pie crust.

The turkey was delicious. Here's my mother-in-law, Cathy, with the bird and sporting her Notre Dame apron.

Our feasting table.

And my plate, well the first plate anyway.

My mother-in-law even made me a special sweet potato casserole because she knew that I didn't like the canned yams that my husband loves so much. It was covered in a pecan, brown sugar topping and was one of my favorite sides of the day!

Hope your Thanksgiving was a success, too.

*Click on recipe card to enlarge and save

Here's what my Thanksgiving was like last year: 24-hour Thanksgiving

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